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Please feel free to contact us via our contact form or by using the phone or email details provided below. We will endeavour to return emails as soon as possible. If you query is more urgent please phone us, as it is the quickest way to make contact.

If you would like to stay in touch with us on a more regular basis sign up for our quarterly ezine, which will bring you all of the news, updates and special offers from the Kylemore estate. The sign-up form is located at the bottom of this page. You can also message us via Facebook page or via Instagram or Twitter.

We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are looking for how to get to Kylemore Abbey take a look at our Getting Here page with various transport options that will show you the way to our beautiful estate in the heart of Connemara.

Postal Address
Kylemore Abbey and Victorian Walled Garden, Kylemore, Connemara, CO. Galway, H91 VR90

General & Booking Enquiries

T: +353 95 52001

Kylemore Abbey Craft & Design Shop Enquiries
T: +353 95 52014

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