Gospel Reflection for the Feast of Christ the King, Year A
By The Benedictine Community
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.(Psalm 22)
Matthew presents a panoramic spectacle of Christ in glory, surrounded by his heavenly court with all the nations assembled before Him. Then the camera closes in for a close up and personal view of just one individual, who might be you, or who might be me, standing before the judgement seat of our Lord and God.
We will be judged on our loving kindness towards our brothers and sisters and for our active concern for their welfare. This precludes living a selfish, egotistical life unaware, like Dives, of the existence of those who suffer.
The heavenly reward awaiting the virtuous is stupendous: to be welcomed into the place God has prepared for us from all eternity.
On the other hand, the fate awaiting the wicked is appalling. I will quote CS Lewis, 'We can be left utterly and absolutely outside -repelled, exiled, estranged finally and unspeakably ignored.'.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen