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Gospel Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year C

Gospel Reflection
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Cry out with joy and gladness: 
for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel. (Is 12, 2-6)
This Sunday is Rose Sunday, a day of rejoicing as we wait expectantly to commemorate the coming of our Saviour into our world. Luke gives us John the Baptist's words as he prepares the people of Israel for his actual coming among them.
John, as the last of the Old Testament prophets faithfully repeats their message of justice, honesty, fairness and kindness but with a new urgency.  He is the Herald announcing that their time of waiting is over, their Messiah has come and is here. 
However, as human beings are wont to do, they mistake the singer for the song. John firmly corrects them: 'I baptise you with water but someone is coming....he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire.'
May our hearts and minds be open now and always to the Holy Spirit and the fire of his love. Have a blessed Gaudete Sunday.