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Gospel Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B.

Gospel Reflection
Saturday, 03 August 2024
The Lord gave them bread from heaven. (Psalm 77) 

We continue Jesus' discourse on the Eucharist for the second of five Sundays; the whole section being called the 'Bread of Life' discourses. The foundation of the synagogue at Capernaum where Jesus delivered the 'bread of life' discourses still exists.
Jesus emphatically compares the bread his Father will give to the world to the manna sent to the 
Israelites the desert.
With the benefit of over two thousand hindsight, we can sympathise with the perplexed crowds as they tried to understand Jesus' solemn promises. We know we receive Jesus Himself in the Eucharist; body, blood, soul and divinity, while we accompany  this wonderful gift with our faith, trust, love and gratitude.
 The Eucharist is our manna, our food of life and pledge of eternal salvation.