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Gospel Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent, Year B.

Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 03 March 2024

Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. Psalm 18

Today's readings are centered around obeying God's laws - laws given to us for our spiritual and human well-being. In the first reading from the Book of Exodus God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses. These Commandments comprise the Natural Law and are the foundation of any peaceful, civilized society. Wars and conflicts are a  failure to obey God's laws and humanity suffers dreadful consequences..

Jesus is living out His obedience to the first of these commandments  when he defends the sanctity of the Temple where his Father is worshipped and which is made holy by his Presence. 

Lent is a time for cleansing the temple of our hearts and renewing our love for God and all his commands.  Let us pray for this grace.