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IMG 8938

Gospel Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B

Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 28 April 2024

I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people. (Psalm 21)

Jesus' discourse to his disciples on being the true vine from which they receive life  must be read and received with deep faith. Otherwise we will feel that extravagant promises have been made but not kept; hopes have been raised only to be dashed to the ground.

I chose this Gospel for my solemn profession of religious life forty-five years ago. Since that time, living the religious life, reciting the Divine Office day in day out and especially by praying and forming a relationship with Jesus Christ - and prayer is a relationship with Jesus - so many small miracles have occurred in my life. These small miracles give inspiration and encouragement to pray for larger ones in the sure knowledge that God is at work in the world in his deep, silent and powerful way.

As St. Therese of Lisieux used to say: you can never have too much confidence in God