Gospel Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C.
By The Benedictine Community
To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. (Psalm 24)
The Gospel today fills us with great fear, but at the same time, great encouragement. If we listen to the first two readings, one from Jeremiah, the other from Paul to the Thessalonians, we are given the key to receiving this Gospel with hope, confidence - even joy. Jesus does not spare us any details when he describes the end of the natural world, prior to his Second Coming in 'a cloud with power and great glory'. He foretells nations in agony, men dying of fear and the powers of heaven shaken.
But in the midst of this turmoil the faithful Christian has his own still centre with his beloved Saviour. The moment has come for the follower of Christ to lift up his head and, raise a victory sign: his great moment has come.
May you have a happy Advent.