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IMG 2008

Gospel Reflection for The Holy Family, Year C.

Gospel Reflection
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Happy are those who fear the Lord and 
walk in his ways.. (Psalm 127)

Today's gospel, finding the child Jesus in the Temple, is the fifth joyful mystery of the rosary and is very familiar to most of us. My opinion is that the three desperate days Joseph and Mary spent looking for Jesus constitute for them a sorrowful mystery in its own right. At least, the three days spent searching and questioning themselves on their adequacy as parents are a consolation of sorts to every parent in a similar situation. Then, even after the joyful reunion, Mary was hardly reassured by Jesus' reply: "Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father's affairs?" Jesus firmly states His priorities and they are bittersweet for his mother and foster father. Jesus their son is also Son of the Eternal Father and they must accept the consequences, the heartbreak and the glory.
Mary, who kept the faith on Holy Saturday, pray for us.