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Gospel reflection for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.

Gospel Reflection
Friday, 31 January 2025
I will sing of your salvation (Psalm 71) 

We are still with Jesus in his hometown of Nazareth and addressing his friends and neighbours. Their initial approval of his eloquence and authority quickly turned sour when they realised that he could not work any miracles among them. Word of his healing miracles in Capernaum had reached them in Nazareth and no doubt they felt a sense of entitlement: after all, he was one of them. Alas, that was not, and is still not, the attitude of mind that calls forth miracles from heaven.
The Lord looks on humble, trusting faith. We see Bartimaeus the blind beggar (Mark 10:46ff), the woman with the issue of blood (Lk. 8:43ff); the repentant woman who washed his feet with her tears, (Lk 7:40) and numerous lepers - among many others.  
No one is entitled to the gifts and the salvation God has bestowed upon us. 
Jesus, Lord and Saviour, accept my thanks and praise for all you have done for us and have mercy on me, a sinner.