Gospel Reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B.
By The Benedictine Community
Here am I, Lord;
I come to do your will. (Psalm 39)
In this brief, intense Gospel Mark tells us of John the Baptist's proclamation of Jesus as the lamb of God, and the calling of three of Jesus' disciples -John, Peter and his brother Andrew. As Mark describes the story, it is Andrew who is most active. He is a seeker of truth, first from John the Baptist, then from Jesus of Nazareth and having found it, wants to share it with his brother Simon on who becomes Peter the Rock.
In this Gospel of discovery, one phrase is used twice to great effect. John the Baptist 'stared hard' as Jesus passed, then proclaimed him the lamb of God. Jesus 'looked hard' at Simon and then named him Cephas, meaning Rock.
Whether we are aware of it or not, Jesus 'looks hard' at each of us, calling us throughout our lives. Having called us into being, we are called again at Baptism and then with our other Sacraments of Initiation. As Jesus invited John and Andrew to 'Come and see' so he invites each of us to come and see his beauty and truth as he 'looks hard' at each one of us personally.