Gospel Reflection for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B.
By The Benedictine Community
Fill us with your love, O Lord,
and we will sing for joy. (Psalm 89)
The story of the Rich Young Man has come down through the Christian centuries as the story of a religious vocation refused.
In every age since and still today, perhaps especially today, Jesus still extends his invitation to his followers. But what does: 'Come follow me,' mean? It means Jesus invites his followers to a closer union, a more intimate friendship, with himself. That is the essence of a Christian vocation.
A famous Christian vocation we are all familiar with is that of Maria Augusta von Trapp. It was romanticized in 'The Sound of Music' but in reality it required radical faith, enormous courage and much perseverance for not only Maria but for her husband and family as well.
The call of Christ can lead us anywhere, his promise is fidelity, friendship - not without persecution - but ultimately, eternal life with HIM. Praise God.