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Gospel Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year C.

Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 08 December 2024
The Lord has done great things for us;
we are filled with joy. (Psalm 125)

Luke opens the third chapter of his gospel with a very  precise historical date. He intended to emphasize that the events forming salvation history had a time and place in human history. Notably, these events did not take place in the powerful capitals of the world, but rather in an obscure backwater, in an insignificant conquest of the mighty Roman Empire. God does his wonderful works among the poor and lowly, the outcasts and those capable of humble obedience. Jesus saved the world from Nazareth.
Repeating the prophecy of Isaiah, John’s cry echoes like a fanfare down through the ages. God’s truth rings as true today as it did when Isaiah uttered it in the eighth century BC. Lord, teach me true repentance and in your mercy, Come Lord Jesus.