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Gospel Reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.

Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 19 January 2025

Proclaimhis marvellous deeds to all the nations. (Psalm 95)

ThisSunday we are attending a family wedding with Jesus, his mother Mary and histwelve disciples. It must have been a lavish affair with much festivity -so much so that the wine ran out. In this gospel we get a full glimpse ofMary the mature mother: observant, concerned, decisive and kind,  a womanwho wanted the happy occasion to continue without disappointment orembarrassment.  These very human sentiments had an eternal dimension whenshe told her divine son. In fact Mary anticipated his divine mission, notwaiting for any heavenly revelation, but rather prompted only by human need.Mary took the initiative, in full confidence that her son would obey. 

Thusthe life of the Holy Family was a loving canticle of mutual obedience to theFather. This is the song of the Redeemed.