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Gospel Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B.

Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 28 January 2024

If today you hear his voice,

harden not your hearts.(Psalm 94)

Today's vivid Gospel takes place before our eyes in the synagogue in Capernaum.(The original foundations of which are easily visible). Focus our eyes, our attention, our hearts on that powerful figure of Jesus of Nazareth and let them rest there, on Him. Our faith tells us and we believe that He is still present among us as the shepherd and guarding of our souls. (1 Peter 2:25). Let his power, his grace, his love and his goodness surround us and fill every part of us, body, soul, heart and mind. Then, in our minds, let the crowds and all else vanish until there is just the two of us - Jesus and I. Stay as long as we can in this intense moment of faith when no words are adequate except the cry of the heart: 'Jesus, I love you.' and all demons flee.