Gospel Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year B.
By The Benedictine Community
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasting.(Psalm 117)
Today's gospel of John has touched the life of every single Christian since Jesus rose from death over two thousand years ago.
It divides into several distinct parts: First the post-resurrection sequence: apparition, recognition, adoration and then the all-important mission. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.'
Then John describes his Pentecost experience. This in itself gives us much food for reflection, wonder and thanksgiving. Jesus confers upon his Apostles the divine power that belongs only to God: the power to forgive sin.
Finally, the doubting Thomas story has a powerful message for each of us personally. Jesus gives us the assurance that he remains with us, even though we no longer see him in his human form, he is still with us in prayer, in the sacraments and all importantly, he relates to us as a human being. Jesus , I trust in you.